What we can do for you
Physio 4 Life specialises in the assessment, treatment and management of various musculo-skeletal injuries. We will take the time to understand your specific needs and provide an accurate diagnosis and implement an appropriate treatment plan.

Physio 4 Life specialises in the treatment of:
Back and Neck Pain
Workcover injuries
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Sporting Injuries / shoulders / elbows / wrists / hips / knees and ankles
Sprains and Strains
Postural Pain
Whiplash Injuries
Post-operative rehabilitation
Arthritic Conditions
Chest Physiotherapy
Sacroiliac pain
Physio 4 Life manages our clients with a variety of tools at our disposal:
- Joint Mobilisation and Manipulation
- Soft Tissue Therapy (Massage and Trigger point Therapy)
- Acupuncture
- Ultrasound Therapy
- Interferential/TENS Therapy
- Taping and Bracing
- Hydrotherapy
- Physical Rehabilitation Programs – Home and Gym Based
- Muscle Strengthening and Re-education
- Pilates
- Epley Techniques
No referrals are required for private patients seeking treatment. We accept all referrals for treatment including compensable claims (WorkCover and MVA), Veteran’s Affairs referrals and we provide a no-gap physiotherapy service for eligible Medicare (EPC) patients.
Clinical Pilates 1:1
Clinical Pilates is a highly individualised form of traditional Pilates practiced by physiotherapists. Physio 4 Life only performs this style of pilates with 1:1 supervision from our trained and qualified physiotherapists.
Pilates Reformer available at the Elizabeth Practice – 29 Philip Highway, Elizabeth
We offer 1:1 pilates reformer sessions with a physiotherpist, we currenlty do not run group classes.

Some of the benefits of clinical pilates are listed below:
- Improve core stability
- Improve balance
- Improve sport performance
- Lessen back pain and enhance a stronger, more flexible spine
- Increase overall tone, endurance and fitness
- Assist with relaxation and breathing efficiency
- Improve concentration, coordination and posture
- Provide rehabilitation and prevention from injury
- Aid in the recovery of muscles following pregnancy
- Assist in developing flatter and firmer abdominal muscles
A program will be specifically developed to target your individual needs during the initial assessment. Our therapists will then progress the program as your skill and strength improves.
Other Services
We hacve a full range of services on offer throughout our clinics (see below)
Acupuncture / Dry Needling
We offer both traditional Acupuncture and Dry needling as part of our treatment regime.
Danny, Adrian and Reg have all completed courses run by highly acclaimed dry needling expert Jorgen Forsberg. This form of treatment can be beneficial in the treatment of joint pain, muscle stiffness and headaches.
Danny Gilbert has also completed a traditional Acupuncture certificate with the Australian Acupuncture Association. This form of treatment can be beneficial in the treatment of migraines, general well being and fibromyalgia/chronic pain.
Cupping is an ancient Chinese therapy in which a cup is applied to the skin and the pressure in the cup is reduced (either by heat or suction) in order to draw and hold skin and superficial muscles inside the cup.
Physio 4 life therapists will use cupping as an adjunct to treatment. Common conditions treated are thoracic tension and hamstring tightness.
Gym and Rehabilitation
Physio 4 Life has exclusive access to a purpose built rehabilitation gymnasium at the Unihealth Playford location. Our physiotherapists can individually design and supervise a physical rehabilitation program using a combination of free weights, pin-loaded and ball stability exercises. This allows us to assist and manage our clients’ injuries/conditions and assist their return to their chosen activities of daily living, sport or work environment.
You will be guided through the program so you will reach the highest level of physical function that you desire and give you advice to maintain your desired level of function.
Physio 4 Life physiotherapists are trained to treat complex and chronic musculo-skeletal conditions.
If you suffer from chronic conditions such as arthritis or long term neck, back, joint or muscle injuries then you may be eligible for 5 bulk billed physiotherapy consultations under the Medicare system as part of a GP Management Plan or Team Care Arrangement. Please consult your general practitioner to see if you are eligible.

Physio 4 Life is proud to be part of the BUPA and MEDIBANK PRIVATE preferred provider network